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One of the hard parts to find, especially when doing a complete accurate restoration, is the Banjo assy on the Zenith 7078/7971 Dual Fuel Zenith Carburetors. Not any more. We have nice restored parts in stock and offer this in kit form. In most cases, the rust worm rots these Banjo assy's out, especially the threads. We now have these in stock with new o-rings and the brass elbow that is always missing when these Tractors have gotten converted to gasoline only as years progressed. If you are restoring your WC or WD back to the original Dual Fuel system, we have the parts needed to do it right! Don't cuss, call us! If you need the barrel screen, we have those as well as an optional piece.

1601-22B Zenith Dual Fuel Banjo, Elbow, & O-ring Kit

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